Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Happy Anniversary!!

Happy Anniversary to me and my braces - one year, wow that has really flown by! 

So much happening right now, I don't have time to dwell on my impending surgery (which I think is a good thing). 

My family and I head off to beautiful (& freezing bloody cold) New Zealand tomorrow - YAY - so excited. 

As soon as we are back, I go to see my Surgeon (Dr D) for my first pre-surgery discussion & work up; I see my Orthodontist (Dr O) a week after that to have my surgical hooks attached - I think then it may hit me that I am really doing this..... then a final week of freedom before the BIG DAY. 

EEEEEK - 42 days. 



  1. Let the countdown begin! Safe travels, i can testify to the freezing-ness.. where are you heading to?
    Congrats on the one year anniversary!

    1. Hi Kelsie, We're off to the South Island - Timaru, Queenstown, Hanmer Springs etc. I hope we've brought enough warm clothes!!

    2. Haha i hope so too! that's awesome, have a good time :)

  2. Hope you are having a splendid trip!! :)
